The first time I kicked a ball in a game of soccer, I immediately scored. Beginner's luck? Certainly not. Here's the story.
I was the designated last man. The last man serves as the goalie's last helper. I help protect the goal. I hep the goalie, I help the team. Mr. Baguio, our PE teacher, told me to just kick the ball to disrupt the attack of the other team. Just seconds after I subbed in, the ball came flying towards me. As the ball drew nearer, I wasn't decided as to how I would receive it. Should I trap the ball or should I just go with the more entertaining style of a bicycle kick. I went for the latter. I kicked the ball while it was in mid-air. I kicked the ball hard. So hard that it went through the goal! I scored! I scored on my own goal...
After my first ever soccer goal, my teammates were furious. So was Mr Baguio. Just seconds after I went in, the coach sent me to the bench. Certainly, one of my most memorable experiences. A highlight in my brief soccer career.
As a kid still looking for a sport, that was a big setback. I was a Level 5 grade school student then. I could not recall ever playing soccer again until I was a 2nd year high school student. The mistake I committed during that game somehow made me feel like an outcast. But I was a kid, and kids commit mistakes. As soon as mistakes are committed, there's this momentary feeling of rejection and discrimination.
Such feeling of discrimination does not always last long. It heals over time. However, I seem to recall my first goal every time I witness a soccer game. Now, I just laugh over the experience. I know, none of my classmates would ever remember it.
Mistakes are personal. People deal with it. I've dealt with it. There are mistakes which I choose to forget. Some people, on a bad note, never forget mistakes committed by others. They don't necessary dwell on it, but they never seem to forget it. This can be very, very irritating.
Nowadays, the game of Soccer is surprisingly becoming more and more popular in the Philippines. In my high school days, my friends and I never talk about Philippine soccer. We were more acquainted with the international teams and stars. Back then, my idol was Ronaldo of Brazil. He was one of the better, if not the best, soccer player during that time, along with Beckham, Zidane, Roberto Carlos, Rooney and Casillas. I remember my friend's idol was Sergio Santibanez of Marimar, a popular mexican telenovela then.
I played soccer in high school. I loved it. The game demands a lot of running, energy and teamwork. The skills are not that easy to develop. One has to spend longer hours in training. My passion for soccer was purely for fun though. I did not consider it as a long term career. Surely, there were times when I dreamt of playing in the World Cup. But those were just teenage fantasies.
I watched the Azkals versus Kuwait game yesterday. I could not help but notice the disparity in skill, teamwork, passion, and system.
The Filipinos are proud. Filipinos work hard and love their own country. Our government however is pretty much incapable of leveling up with this pride.
This is a tough and tedious matter. I'd rather discuss and elaborate further when I have the time.
to be continued....
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